A Community Health Forum (CHF) is a group of interested organisations and individuals engaged in promoting health & wellbeing and addressing health inequalities in their local community. They bring together the collective health issues, knowledge and concerns of the community for discussion at the local Primary Care Team, or take action on them directly in other ways.
A Primary Care Team (PCT) is a team of health professionals who work closely together to meet the needs of the people living in the community. They provide a single point of contact to the health system and they generally include GPs, Public Health Nurses, Occupational Therapy Services, Physiotherapy services, Speech and Language Services, Community Mental Health Services, among others. The aim of the Primary Care Team is to provide primary care services that are accessible, integrated, of a high quality and which meet the needs of the local population.
The Donegal Community Health Network (DCHN) is an informal Network of Community Health Forums, supported by the HSE Social Inclusion Office that meets twice a year to share information, ideas and issues around what is happening in their Primary Care Team area.