The development of Primary Care is informed by the Primary Care Strategy “Primary Care – A New Direction” 2001. In this regard, each HSE Area is responsible for establishing a Local Implementation Group which is the primary local vehicle for the development of Primary Care Teams (PCT) and Health and Social Care Networks in the Area, such as Donegal. Implementation Groups operate under the direction of the Local HSE Area Manager as the Chair.
The LIG’s objective is to promote the vision of Primary Care Teams and Health and Social Care Networks in the Area in line with national framework, policies, procedures and guidelines so as to enhance the delivery of primary care services to the local population and to work in partnership with general practice and other key stakeholders in realising this objective. The ultimate aim is to provide seamless and integrated services involving GPs, HSE Staff and the Community/Voluntary sector.
The functions of the LIG are:
The membership of the LIG consists of Community Representatives (elected by the County CHF Network), GPs, HSE Clinical Service Heads and HSE Management.